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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Papa's 38th birthday!

I heart Valentine's Day! Please don't barf. Not only is this the most romantic day of the year (all right, I'm just kidding) but it is also strawberry season! I am more excited about the latter, obviously...no, seriously! Now, what has this gotta do with my father-in-law's birthday? Read on.

I made this cake for a dear friend's birthday a couple years ago and it was a big hit. So, I wanted to make this again for my father-in-law's 38th birthday (he always turns 38 on his birthday). I named this the J-Wang cake, after my good friend just because she was the first guinea pig in this recipe. So, I decided to name it in her honor. :)

This is a flourless chocolate cake with a strawberry mousse filling. Because the cake itself is so light, I didn't frost the cake with a heavy-type frosting. Instead, I opted for chantilly whipped cream. This cake calls for sugar, eggs, butter, chocolate (I used Valrhona chocolate), strawberries and whipping cream.

The whipped egg whites is what makes this cake super light and fluffy, almost soufflé-like. There is no flour in this recipe, so it's also gluten free.

I got these fresh and beautiful strawberries from an organic farm stand across the street. They are juicy and sweet, just perfect for this recipe. I love using in season ingredients because you are enjoying them at their very best.

I covered the filling of the cake generously with bite size pieces of strawberries and strawberry mousse (made from pureed strawberries and whipped cream). I personally like to cut and arrange the strawberries in a single layer because that way, you get a piece of strawberry with every single bite.

A simple piping around the cake. I hope to get better as I continue to practice piping.

Now, one with the birthday boy man. This is him with his 'Steve Jobs' impression. His name is really Sam (close) but if he can be 38 every year, he can be called Steve for one day out of the year. Happy birthday to the best FIL!

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